Research Output Category
Organisations via authors/editors
Research Outputs (1355)
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- CIRCULATIONPublication in refereed journal
- RESUSCITATIONPublication in refereed journal
- Annals of Emergency MedicinePublication in refereed journal
- Publication in refereed journal
- Hong Kong Medical JournalOther outputs
- CLINICAL CHEMISTRYPublication in refereed journal
- 3rd IFPOS Congress International Federation of Pediatric Orthopaedic Societies & VI Brazilian Pediatric Orthopaedic Society MeetingRefereed conference paper presented and published in conference proceedings
- International Research Society for Spinal Deformities Symposium 2004Invited conference paper presented and published in conference proceedings
- The 49th Annual Meeting of The Orthopaedic Research SocietyRefereed conference paper presented and published in conference proceedings