Research Output Category
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Research Outputs (2529)
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- ONCOLOGY REPORTSPublication in refereed journal
- JAPANESE JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ONCOLOGYPublication in refereed journal
- BIOCHEMICAL PHARMACOLOGYPublication in refereed journal
- AMERICAN JOURNAL OF NEURORADIOLOGYPublication in refereed journal
- Abstracts of the 4th Asian-Oceanian Congress of Meuroradiology and Head & Neck RadiologyInvited conference paper presented and published in conference proceedings
- BRAIN PATHOLOGYPublication in policy or professional journal
- BLOODPublication in refereed journal
- Hong Kong medical journal = Xianggang yi xue za zhi / Hong Kong Academy of MedicinePublication in refereed journal
- BRAIN PATHOLOGYPublication in refereed journal