Research Output Category
Organisations via authors/editors
Research Outputs (43)
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- Written teaching case study or extensive note
- BUSINESS HORIZONSPublication in refereed journal
- INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS REVIEWPublication in refereed journal
- Pacific Basin Finance JournalPublication in refereed journal
- Review of Quantitative Finance and AccountingPublication in refereed journal
- Academy of International Business Annual MeetingRefereed conference paper presented and published in conference proceedings
- Pacific Basin Finance JournalPublication in refereed journal
- Chinese EconomyPublication in refereed journal
- 8th International Meeting of the Western Academy of ManagementRefereed conference paper presented and published in conference proceedings
- Journal of Database MarketingPublication in refereed journal
- Journal of Asian EconomicsPublication in refereed journal
- Journal of International Financial Management and AccountingPublication in refereed journal
- Asia-Pacific Risk and Insurance Association ConferenceRefereed conference paper presented and published in conference proceedings
- Proceedings of The Academy of Management 2001 MeetingRefereed conference paper presented and published in conference proceedings
- Cornell Hotel and Restaurant Administration QuarterlyPublication in refereed journal
- Eighth Conference on Pacific Basin Finance Economics and Accounting, organized by Rugters Unversity State U of New JerseyRefereed conference paper presented and published in conference proceedings
- Financial Management Association MeetingRefereed conference paper presented and published in conference proceedings
- Review of Pacific Basin Financial Markets and PoliciesPublication in refereed journal
- Symposium on Reform of Chinese Enterprises at the Second Asia Academy of Management ConferenceRefereed conference paper presented and published in conference proceedings
- Conference on Chinese Business and ManagementRefereed conference paper presented and published in conference proceedings
- New Managerial Mindsets: Organizational Transformation and Strategy ImplementationPublication in refereed journal
- Euro Asia Journal of ManagementPublication in refereed journal
- The Seventeenth Annual International Strategic Management Society ConferenceRefereed conference paper presented and published in conference proceedings
- JOURNAL OF FORECASTINGPublication in refereed journalDigital Object Identifier (DOI):<37::AID-FOR603>3.0.CO;2-C
- QUARTERLY REVIEW OF ECONOMICS AND FINANCEPublication in refereed journal
- The Eightth Annual Australian Finance & Banbking ConferenceRefereed conference paper presented and published in conference proceedings
- Journal of Global BusinssPublication in refereed journal
- Proceedings of the Second Conference on Pacific Basin Business Economics and FinanceRefereed conference paper presented and published in conference proceedings
- JOURNAL OF REGULATORY ECONOMICSPublication in refereed journal
- Hong Kong Journal of Business ManagementPublication in refereed journal
- Pacific-Basin Finance JournalPublication in refereed journal