Helping a depressed Chinese adult with high functioning autism reconnect with his family through structural family therapy
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AbstractThis clinical case example from a Chinese context describes the healing journey through structural family therapy (SFT) of a depressed Chinese father with high functioning autism (HFA). The paper both narrates the experience of a father and his family in facing the relational challenges arising from HFA and explores the contributions of SFT in helping. Identifying the father’s history of loss at the individual and family levels as well as the pattern of family relationships in the family sheds light on di-rections for treatment. Key treatment principles of SFT and strategies to help depressed adults with HFA let go of anger and losses, both symbolic and real, and reconnect with their families are discussed.
Acceptance Date08/08/2019
All Author(s) ListJoyce L.C. Ma, Chi-yan Wong, Lily L.L. Xia
Journal nameJournal of Family Therapy
Volume Number42
Issue Number4
Pages518 - 535
LanguagesEnglish-United Kingdom

Last updated on 2024-21-08 at 00:38