互為東西——德法學者視野下的也斯、香港文學與中國現代文學 (Shuttling between East and West: Ye Si, Hong Kong Literature, and Modern Chinese Literature from the Perspectives of German and French Scholars)
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Abstract縱觀二十世紀香港文學的外譯研究,著名詩人兼學者梁秉鈞(也斯,1948-2013)佔有重要位置。他不僅從翻譯自身的文學作品思考文化跨越的問題,更從日常生活和歷史處境反思薩依德(Edward W. Said, 1935-2003)「東方學」式的文化批判。九十年代以降,德國漢學家顧彬(Wolfgang Kubin)及法國漢學家居里安(Annie Curien)著手翻譯也斯的創作,並研究其文化批評的觀點,由此構成一段多重定位的跨文化對話。本文將探討以下問題:一、兩位學者如何從歐洲文化中心的位置以及德、法兩地固有的文學傳統,理解和詮釋也斯的文學及文化觀點;二、他們如何通過也斯的創作重構香港文學以及它在中國現代文學版圖之中的位置;三、他們怎樣通過帝國主義文化的「雙重」他者─歐洲和中國大陸的邊緣位置,思考世界文學的可能性。
When studying the translation of twentieth-century Hong Kong literature, we cannot help but turn our attention to Leung Ping-kwan 梁秉鈞 (Ye Si 也斯, 1948-2013), a renowned Hong Kong poet and scholar. Ye Si reinvestigated the transgression of cultural boundaries through translating his own literary works. Based on his daily life experiences and fully aware of the historical context, he also re-examined the cultural criticism that developed from Edward W. Said's (1935-2003) theory of Orientalism. Since the 1990s, two Sinologists from the center of European cultures, Wolfgang Kubin of Germany and Annie Curien of France, have started translating Ye Si's literary works and investigating his cultural perspectives, eventually developing an intercultural dialogue with him. This paper explores how Kubin and Curien, by making reference to their own German and French literary traditions, understand and interpret Ye Si's literary and cultural perspectives. It further studies how they reconstruct Hong Kong literature and remap it in the frame of modern Chinese literature. Finally, this paper investigates how they re-examine the possibility of the concept of "world literature" by making reference to the literature of Hong Kong, a literature sprung from a city that is marginalized by both the European continent and Mainland China.
When studying the translation of twentieth-century Hong Kong literature, we cannot help but turn our attention to Leung Ping-kwan 梁秉鈞 (Ye Si 也斯, 1948-2013), a renowned Hong Kong poet and scholar. Ye Si reinvestigated the transgression of cultural boundaries through translating his own literary works. Based on his daily life experiences and fully aware of the historical context, he also re-examined the cultural criticism that developed from Edward W. Said's (1935-2003) theory of Orientalism. Since the 1990s, two Sinologists from the center of European cultures, Wolfgang Kubin of Germany and Annie Curien of France, have started translating Ye Si's literary works and investigating his cultural perspectives, eventually developing an intercultural dialogue with him. This paper explores how Kubin and Curien, by making reference to their own German and French literary traditions, understand and interpret Ye Si's literary and cultural perspectives. It further studies how they reconstruct Hong Kong literature and remap it in the frame of modern Chinese literature. Finally, this paper investigates how they re-examine the possibility of the concept of "world literature" by making reference to the literature of Hong Kong, a literature sprung from a city that is marginalized by both the European continent and Mainland China.
All Author(s) ListKWONG Ho Yee Connie
Journal name清華學報 = Tsing Hua Journal of Chinese Studies
Volume Number49
Issue Number1
PublisherNational Tsing Hua University Press
Place of PublicationTaiwan
Pages151 - 185
Keywords梁秉鈞(也斯), 香港文學, 世界文學, 東與西, 文學與文化翻譯