Corrigendum to ‘An innovative Mg/Ti hybrid fixation system developed for fracture fixation and healing enhancement at load-bearing skeletal site’ [Biomaterials (2018) 173–183]
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AbstractThe authors regret that the units of Fig. 4 on X-ray and microCT measurements and Fig. 7 on histological measurements should have been presented in actual values instead of image pixel shown in the updated figures below. This unit conversion has no impact whatsoever on the statistical analysis or conclusion of the manuscript. The authors regret this error and appreciate the understanding of the readers.[Figure presented] The authors would like to apologise for any inconvenience caused.
All Author(s) ListTian L, Sheng Y, Huang L, Chow DHK, Chau WH, Tang N, Ngai T, Wu C, Lu J, Qin L
Journal nameBiomaterials
Volume Number181
Pages307 - 309
LanguagesEnglish-United States

Last updated on 2024-19-08 at 00:08