淺談中藥復方藥效物質基礎的研究思路和方法 (Discuss on the Study Thoughts and Methods of Therapeutic Material Basis of TCM Compounds)
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For the complexity of chemical compositions in TCM compounds and the unity of compatibility of TCM compounds, to investigate the therapeutic material basis and mechanism of TCM compounds by modern scientific methods and means, in order to provide some new thoughts and methods for revealing its scientific connotation.
For the complexity of chemical compositions in TCM compounds and the unity of compatibility of TCM compounds, to investigate the therapeutic material basis and mechanism of TCM compounds by modern scientific methods and means, in order to provide some new thoughts and methods for revealing its scientific connotation.
All Author(s) ListCHENG Jianhua
Journal name按摩與康復醫學 = Chinese Manipulation & Rehabilitation Medicine
Volume Number8
Issue Number4
Pages5 - 9