Synergistic Bone Anabolic Effects, in vitro, of CU409B1 and 1,25α-dihydroxyvitamin D3 in Rat Osteoblast-like Cells
Refereed conference paper presented and published in conference proceedings

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All Author(s) ListLAU L C M, LEE Yuk Wai, CHAN Ka Fai, POON Chui Wa Christina, LUI Po Yee Pauline, CHAN Kai Ming, KONG Siu Kai, LEUNG G P H, KWAN Yiu Wa
Name of Conference5th International Functional Food Symposium
Start Date of Conference10/03/2011
Country/Region of ConferenceChina
Proceedings Title5th International Functional Food Symposium
Place of PublicationChina, Hong Kong
LanguagesEnglish-United Kingdom

Last updated on 2018-20-01 at 09:09