Design and Optimal Pose-Constrained Visual Servoing of a Novel Active Flexible Endoscope Holder System for Solo Laparoscopic Surgery
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AbstractLaparoscopic surgery (LS) has become an effective and widely accepted therapy for patients. However, performing LS requires advanced training and skills, as it demands high precision and dexterity due to visual feedback depending on the collaboration between the surgeon and endoscope assistant, restricted field of view, and limited dexterity inside the body. Thus, a flexible endoscope holder system with an automatic control scheme is proposed to assist LS performance, allowing the surgeon to perform solo LS. A DNA-inspired helix-based structure with wide-angle and constant curvature bending is presented and made of printable nylon with selective laser sintering. The proposed flexible mechanism reduces the cost of manufacturing and assembling. Also, it has a hollow design for embedded sensing and actuation. Then, an optimization method is proposed, which provides a reference for the endoscope installation, robot placement, and pose selection. In addition, aiming at the misorientation problem, a pose-constrained visual servoing control scheme for the endoscope system is developed. Both simulation and physical experiments are conducted to verify the effectiveness and feasibility of the proposed control scheme. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed visual servoing scheme can maintain the optimized pose and reduce misorientation during automatic view steering.
All Author(s) ListZhang X., Li J., Huang Y., Xian Y., Meng M.Q.H., Chiu P.W.Y., Li Z.
Journal nameAdvanced Intelligent Systems
Volume Number6
Issue Number1
PublisherJohn Wiley and Sons Inc
Article number2300571
LanguagesEnglish-United Kingdom
Keywordscontinuum mechanism design, reachability map, robot safety 3D printing, surgical robots, visual servoing

Last updated on 2024-16-10 at 14:12