Randomised controlled study on hearing aid use and cognitive functions of older adults with mild to moderate hearing loss: Hong Kong experience
Invited conference paper presented and published in conference proceedings
CUHK Authors
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Acceptance Date15/06/2024
All Author(s) ListIris H-Y NG, Wai-Tsz CHANG, Jinghua OU, Patrick C-M WONG, Michael C-F TONG
Name of ConferenceThe 9th West China-CUHK Surgical Forum
Start Date of Conference15/06/2024
End Date of Conference15/06/2024
Place of ConferenceChengdu, Sichuan
Country/Region of ConferenceChina
Proceedings TitleThe 9th West China-CUHK Surgical Forum
PublisherWest China Hospital, Sichuan University
Place of PublicationChengdu, Sichuan
LanguagesEnglish-United States
Keywordshearing loss, dementia, hearing aid, older adult, randomised controlled trial