Theories of Crisis Communication
Chapter in an edited book (author)

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AbstractThis chapter covers the current status of existing crisis communication theories and their contributions, challenges, and limitations with regard to crisis communication research. Based on the theories' primary focuses and areas that they help us understand, explain, and make predictions about, we have classified them as follows: theories with (1) crisis characteristics focus, (2) organizational response focus, and (3) stakeholder response focus. Each theory's core principles and contributions are discussed by this classification for an easier understanding of the theories. Students, researchers, and practitioners are provided with a helpful and succinct overview of the vast crisis communication theory landscape.
All Author(s) ListSora KIM, Emma K. BISHOP, Charles Yu YANG
All Editor(s) ListBrooke Fisher LIU, Amisha M. MEHTA
Book titleRoutledge Handbook of Risk, Crisis, and Disaster Communication
Place of PublicationLondon
Pages7 - 22
LanguagesEnglish-United States
KeywordsCrisis Communication

Last updated on 2024-28-11 at 11:08