超越國族的抗戰文藝——論香港世界語雜誌《遠東使者》Orienta Kuriero, 1938-39 (Transnational Literature and Art of Resistance: A Study of Orienta Kuriero (1938-39), a Hong Kong Esperanto Magazine)
Publication in refereed journal


摘要隨著中日戰爭全面爆發,中國的世界語運動再次蓬勃。作為「中立語言」的世 界語被視為反戰反帝國主義、爭取民族解放的有效工具,知識分子甚至提出「為中國 的解放而用世界語」的口號。其中被譽為相較東方「所有世界語刊物更為充實」的 《遠東使者》(Orienta Kuriero),於1938 年在當時仍為英國殖民地的香港創刊。有別 於國內由中國世界語者創辦的抗戰刊物,亦不同於香港淪陷以前主要由「南來文人」 編輯出版的抗戰文藝雜誌及報刊的情況,《遠東使者》乃由當時少數參與中國抗戰文藝 的歐洲世界語者——來自匈牙利世界語者布勞恩(Ferenc Braun, 1896-1992)在香港主 編,強調從不偏不倚的態度向國際讀者客觀報導戰爭境況。作為戰爭語境下跨語際實 踐的特殊案例,本文將探討以下問題:高舉民族主義的世界語抗戰文藝雜誌,怎樣呈 現跨越國界的世界視野?在整個政治、語言和文學文化的翻譯和轉譯過程中,應如何 理解《遠東使者》與中國以至香港抗戰文藝的構成關係?雜誌如何憑藉世界語的透明 語言本質——沒有種族國族屬性、普世的第二語言和人工語言,建構跨國族跨文化的 抗戰文藝?本文將通過《遠東使者》所載巴金、艾青以及其他中、日、韓等東亞各地 世界語作家的作品分析,進一步反思抗戰文藝與民族文學的構想。

The Esperanto movement gained significant traction in China during the Second Sino- Japanese War, as it was recognized as a powerful tool for combating war, imperialism, and promoting national liberation. In 1938, Ferenc Braun (1896-1992), one of the few European Esperantists actively engaged in the Chinese anti-war movement, launched Orienta Kuriero, an Esperanto magazine advocating against war, in Hong Kong, which was then under British colonial rule. This research delves into Orienta Kuriero as a nationalist Esperanto anti-war magazine that presented international perspectives, examining its connections to Mainland China and Hong Kong’s resistance literature within the framework of political, linguistic, and literary translation. By virtue of Esperanto’s transparent linguistic nature, which transcends ethnic and national affiliations, this paper explores how the magazine served as a unique example of translingual practice within the context of war, constructing a transnational and cross-cultural literature of resistance. Additionally, it critically reflects on the concept of resistance literature and national literature through an analysis of works by Ba Jin, Ai Qing, and other East Asian writers from China, Japan, Korea, and various regions of the world, showcased in Orienta Kuriero.
著者Connie Ho-yee Kwong
頁次75 - 106
關鍵詞Sino-Japanese War, Literature and Art of Resistance, Esperanto, Cosmopolitanism, Orienta Kuriero

上次更新時間 2024-16-02 於 09:34