A Novel Dual Linearly-Polarized Antenna Based on Counter-Wound Quadrifilar Helix Structures
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AbstractA novel counter-wound quadrifilar helical antenna with dual linear polarizations is presented in this paper. Each helical arm, with a diameter of 1 mm, consists of two half-turn helices with opposite winding. Each pair of helical arms adopts the differential feed. The feeding network for the dual-polarized antenna is printed on double-layered substrates of Rogers 4003, and contributes to the miniaturization as well. A C-shaped DGS structure is etched on the GND to achieve a high front-to-back ratio. The GND diameter is 0.75 λ 0 and the antenna profile is 0.22 λ 0 only. The reflections for ±45° linear polarizations are suppressed below −10 dB over the frequency range of 2.13 ~ 2.38 GHz (11.4%) and 2.17 ~ 2.40 GHz (10.5%), respectively. The maximum gains for ±45° linear polarizations are 8.38 and 8.48 dBi. The cross-polarization discriminations at 2.2 GHz are enhanced to higher than 30 and 27 dB for ±45° linear polarizations. The average HPBWs in the E- and H-planes are 63° and 71°, respectively.
Acceptance Date12/02/2023
All Author(s) ListYifeng Xu, Miao Zhang, Yuhang Dou, Ke-Li Wu
Name of Conference2023 International Conference on Microwave and Millimeter Wave Technology (ICMMT)
Start Date of Conference14/05/2023
End Date of Conference17/05/2023
Place of ConferenceQingdao, China
Country/Region of ConferenceChina
Proceedings Title2023 International Conference on Microwave and Millimeter Wave Technology (ICMMT)
LanguagesEnglish-United States
Keywordsdual polarized antennas

Last updated on 2024-29-01 at 12:07