A novel image-based machine learning model for knee arthroplasty loosening detection and clinical decision making
Refereed conference paper presented and published in conference proceedings
CUHK Authors
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Acceptance Date05/11/2022
All Author(s) ListLawrence Chun Man Lau, Elvis Chun Sing Chui, Michael Tim Yun Ong, Sheung Wai Law, Xin Ye,
Kyle Ka Kwan Mak, Wing Hoi Cheung, Kevin Ki Wai Ho, Gene Chi Wai Man, Patrick Shu Hang Yung
Kyle Ka Kwan Mak, Wing Hoi Cheung, Kevin Ki Wai Ho, Gene Chi Wai Man, Patrick Shu Hang Yung
Name of ConferenceThe Hong Kong Orthopaedic Association 42nd Annual Congress
Start Date of Conference05/11/2022
End Date of Conference06/11/2022
Place of ConferenceHong Kong
Country/Region of ConferenceHong Kong
Proceedings TitleThe Hong Kong Orthopaedic Association 42nd Annual Congress
PublisherHKAM Press
Place of PublicationHong Kong
LanguagesEnglish-United Kingdom