In-between worlds: Chilean university lecturers’ experiences of teaching transition between face-to-face and virtual reality contexts during the Covid-19 pandemic
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AbstractThe advent of new technology is breaking the boundaries of traditional teaching and learning patterns with virtual worlds (VW) creating new frontiers in education. Previous research has explored the use of VW within educational settings. However, limited studies have investigated the transition processes that educators experience by adopting VW based online tools during the COVID-19 pandemic. This qualitative exploratory study investigated 18 Chilean lecturers’ teaching experiences using a three-dimensional computer-mediated environment: Second Life. Findings suggest that changing from traditional to virtual teaching context is a complex process, which (re)shaped the lecturers’ various senses of identity and agency towards different instructional approaches resulting in the sense of in-betweenness with multiple digital competencies. These changes indicated that they taught in an ‘in-between’ mode mapped by different teaching mediations. The participants’ teaching experiences of shaping a sense of in-betweenness could provide a unique theoretical lens to explore instructors’ teaching experiences from traditional to a technology-mediated online setting.
Acceptance Date05/03/2023
All Author(s) ListKun Dai, Jaime Garcia, Karen Olave-Encina
Journal nameEducational Technology Research and Development
LanguagesEnglish-United Kingdom

Last updated on 2024-08-10 at 14:53