Morphological changes of Intervertebral Disc detectable by T2-weighted MRI and its correlation with curve severity in Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis
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摘要Background: Our previous studies found disproportionate anteroposterior vertebral size is associated with severity of the scoliotic curves in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS) patients. Subsequent studies showed wedging of vertebral bodies (VB) had less contribution than intervertebral discs (IVD) to the anterior–posterior vertebral column length discrepancy in severe-AIS. However, the exact morphological changes of IVD were not clearly defined. This study aimed to evaluate the morphological and pathological changes of IVD and VB in AIS girls and healthy female controls. Methods: This study included 33 age-matched female controls and 76 AIS girls with a right-sided thoracic curvature. Wedge angle, height ratio and distance ratio of VB and IVD were measured on the best midline coronal and sagittal planes from reformatted MRI spine. Volumes of VB, IVD and nucleus pulposus (NP) were also evaluated on volumetric images. One-way ANOVA with Bonferroni correction and Pearson correlation tests were used. Results: There was significant difference in wedge angle and height ratio of VB and IVD between AIS and controls. In severe-AIS, the position of NP was significantly shifted to the convexity when compared with non-severe AIS and controls. Whereas, the volume of IVD and NP in severe-AIS was found to be significantly smaller. In addition, Cobb angle was significantly correlated with wedge angle and height ratio, and inversely correlated with the volume of NP. Conclusions: In addition to wedging of VB and IVD, there was significantly reduced volume of IVD and NP in AIS patients with severe curve, insinuating the mechanical effect of scoliosis leads to a compression on both IVD and NP before significant disc desiccation occurs. We postulate that the compression of IVD and NP can contribute to curve progression in severe-AIS, these patients are more prone to disc degeneration in adulthood if no operative treatment is offered. Further longitudinal study on these parameters is still warranted.
著者Yeung KH, Man GCW, Deng M, Lam TP, Cheng JCY, Chan KC, Chu WCW
期刊名稱BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders
關鍵詞Intervertebral disc, Nucleus pulposus, Volume, Vertebral wedging, Magnetic Resonance Imaging, T2-weighted, Adolescent idiopathic scoliosis, Healthy controls

上次更新時間 2024-20-08 於 00:30