ChIP-seq of mouse primary cultured bone marrow-derived neutrophils stimulated by lung cancer cell conditional medium
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AbstractBone marrow-derived neutrophils from C57BL/6J mice were treated with 10% LLC1 conditional medium or normal medium as the control for 2 hours, then processed using the SimpleChIP Enzymatic Chromatin IP Kit according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Antibodies against Smad3 and IgG isotype were used for immunoprecipitation. We performed ChIP-seq for Smad3 immuno-enriched DNA (Input and Smad3-IP) and mapped clean sequences against GRCm38 using Bowtie2, and peaks were identified using model-based analysis for ChIP-Seq (MACS) with default parameters.
All Author(s) ListVivian Weiwen Xue, Patrick Ming-Kuen Tang
Title of PublicationEMBL-EBI
PublisherEuropean Molecular Biology Laboratory
LanguagesEnglish-United Kingdom