Best Clinical Management of Tenosynovial Giant Cell Tumour (TGCT): A Consensus Paper From the Community of Experts
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AbstractTenosynovial giant cell tumour (TGCT) is a rare, locally aggressive, mesenchymal tumor arising from the joints, bursa and tendon sheaths. TGCT comprises a nodular- and a diffuse-type, with the former exhibiting mostly indolent course and the latter a locally aggressive behavior. Although usually not life-threatening, TGCT may cause chronic pain and adversely impact function and quality of life (QoL). CSFR1 inhibitors are effective with benefit on symptoms and QoL but are not available in most countries. The degree of uncertainty in selecting the most appropriate therapy and the lack of guidelines on the clinical management of TGCT make the adoption of new treatments inconsistent across the world, with suboptimal outcomes for patients. A global consensus meeting was organized in June 2022, involving experts from several disciplines and patient representatives from SPAGN to define the best evidence-based practice for the optimal approach to TGCT and generate the recommendations presented herein.
All Author(s) ListStacchiotti S, Dürr HR, Schaefer IM, Woertler K, Haas R, Trama A, Caraceni A, Bajpai J, Baldi GG, Bernthal N, Blay JY, Boye K, Broto JM, Chen WT, Dei Tos PA, Desai J, Emhofer S, Eriksson M, Gronchi A, Gelderblom H, Hardes J, Hartmann W, Healey J, Italiano A, Jones RL, Kawai A, Leithner A, Loong H, Mascard E, Morosi C, Otten N, Palmerini E, Patel SR, Reichardt P, Rubin B, Rutkowski P, Sangalli C, Schuster K, Seddon BM, Shkodra M, Staals EL, Tap W, van de Rijn M, van Langevelde K, Vanhoenacker FMM, Wagner A, Wiltink L, Stern S, Van de Sande VM, Bauer S
Journal nameCancer Treatment Reviews
Title of PublicationCancer Treatment Reviews
Volume Number112
Article number102491
LanguagesEnglish-United Kingdom