Why Causation is Biconditional but not Proportional
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AbstractIn this article, I defend a biconditional counterfactual account of causation, which places equal emphasis on what I call “the presence condition” and “the absence condition,” whereas Lewis's classical counterfactual theory focuses only on the absence condition. I attempt to show that biconditionalism provides a promising treatment of supervenient causation, namely, causal cases involving the supervenience relationship. Although some philosophers confuse this account with the proportionality constraint on causation, I argue that biconditionalism is distinct from and superior to proportionalism in accommodating our reliable causal intuitions.
All Author(s) ListLei Zhong
Journal nameAmerican Philosophical Quarterly
Volume Number59
Issue Number3
Pages263 - 271
LanguagesEnglish-United States

Last updated on 2024-20-08 at 00:30