Conductive hearing loss in children
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AbstractConductive hearing loss is the most common hearing loss in infant and young children. This can be congenital or acquired. It occurs when pathologies lie within the external ear or the middle ear. Most often conductive hearing loss in children is caused by infection of the external or middle ear. Congenital cholesteatoma is a condition that is easily missed and misdiagnosed as otitis media with effusion. The surgical approach of this disease has largely changed in the current endoscopic era. This educational update article summarises the most current information regarding the causes and treatment options of conductive hearing loss in children.
All Author(s) ListCHANG Wai Tsz, TONG Michael C.F., NG Iris H.-Y.
Journal nameHong Kong Practitioner
Volume Number45
Issue Number1
PublisherHong Kong College of Family Physicians
Place of PublicationHong Kong
Pages12 - 17
LanguagesEnglish-United States

Last updated on 2023-30-03 at 09:55