A critical evaluation of the external and internal maneuvers for resolution of shoulder dystocia
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AbstractIn the management of shoulder dystocia, it is often recommended to start with external maneuvers, such as the McRoberts maneuver and suprapubic pressure, followed by internal maneuvers including rotation and posterior arm delivery. However, this sequence is not based on scientific evidence of its success rates, the technical simplicity, or the related complication rates. Hence, this review critically evaluates the success rate, technique, and safety of different maneuvers. Retrospective reviews showed that posterior arm delivery has consistently higher success rates (86.1%) than rotational methods (62.4%) and external maneuvers (56.0%). McRoberts maneuver was thought to be a simple method, however, its mechanism is not clear. Furthermore, McRoberts position still requires subsequent traction on the fetal neck, which presents a risk for brachial plexus injury. The 2 internal maneuvers have anatomic rationales with the aim of rotating the shoulders to the wider oblique pelvic dimension or reducing the shoulder width. The techniques are not more sophisticated and requires the accoucher to insert the correct hand (according to fetal face direction) through the more spacious sacro-posterior region and deep enough to reach the fetal chest or posterior forearm. The performance of rotation and posterior arm delivery can also be integrated and performed using the same hand. Retrospective studies may give a biased view that the internal maneuvers are riskier. First, a less severely impacted shoulder dystocia is more likely to have been managed by external maneuvers, subjecting more difficult cases to internal maneuvers. Second, neonatal injuries were not necessarily caused by the internal maneuvers that led to delivery but could have been caused by the preceding unsuccessful external maneuvers. The procedural safety is not primarily related to the nature of the maneuvers, but to how properly these maneuvers are performed. When all these maneuvers have failed, it is important to consider the reasons for failure otherwise repetition of the maneuver cycle is just a random trial and error. If the posterior axilla is just above the pelvic outlet and reachable, posterior axilla traction using either the accoucher fingers or a sling is a feasible alternative. Its mechanism is not just outward traction but also rotation of the shoulders to the wider oblique pelvic dimension. If the posterior axilla is at a higher sacral level, a sling may be formed with the assistance of a long right-angle forceps, otherwise, more invasive methods such as Zavanelli maneuver, abdominal rescue, or symphysiotomy are the last resorts.
Acceptance Date18/01/2023
All Author(s) ListLAU So Ling, SIN Wing To Angela, WONG Lo, LEE Nikki May Wing, HUI Shuk Yi Annie, LEUNG Tak Yeung
Journal nameAmerican Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology
Volume Number230
Issue Number3
PagesS1027 - S1043
LanguagesEnglish-United Kingdom