Borders and Boundaries: Thinking migration, sexuality and precarity in a neoliberal age
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AbstractDuring the neoliberal period, migration has increased and migratory restrictions around the globe have also intensified, producing correlative restrictions for migrants' access to livelihoods and opportunities (De Genova 2003; Nyers 2019). The regimes that produce these effects, making life hard enough in some places to induce migration, while also making life harder for migrants, create any number of paradoxes in both policy and practice. There is much debate over the likely effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on migration globally, but whether or not the number of migrants remains high, it seems safe to posit that the movement of peoples within and across borders will remain stratified, perhaps increasingly so, whereas the paradoxical social and political conditions that migrants have faced will continue to accumulate.
All Author(s) ListSine Plambech, Mark Padilla, Sealing Cheng, Svati Shah
All Editor(s) ListElizabeth Bernstein, Janet Jakobsen
Book titleParadoxes of Neoliberalism: Sex, Gender and Possibilities for Justice
Place of PublicationLondon
Pages134 - 158
LanguagesEnglish-United States

Last updated on 2024-15-02 at 14:25