Retrospective record review on timing of COVID-19 vaccination and cardiac surgery
Publication in refereed journal


摘要Background: Novel clinical challenges are faced by cardiac surgeons under the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. Amidst the uncertainties faced due to the socioeconomic and public health impact, there is little evidence surrounding COVID-19 vaccination in patients undergoing cardiac surgery. Timing of vaccination and postvaccination adverse effects are required parameters to discuss with cardiac surgical patients.

Methods: This is a single-center, retrospective observational study. All patients who underwent adult cardiac surgery at the Prince of Wales Hospital, Hong Kong from January 2021 to December 2021 were included. Postoperative clinical outcomes, COVID-19 vaccination status, and vaccination-related adverse effects were collected.

Results: A total of 426 patients; 117 (27%) underwent isolated coronary artery bypass grafting, 111 (26%) underwent valvular surgery, and 97 (23%) underwent aortic surgery. Patients received either Sinovac CoronaVac or Pfizer BNT162b2 vaccine. Overall vaccination rate with at least 1 dose was 52% (n = 212), 15% (n = 63) received the first dose before surgery, 36% (n = 149) received the first dose vaccination after surgery. Rate of completion with second and third doses of vaccination were 22% (n = 89) and 4.9% (n = 20), respectively. The mean timing of first dose of vaccine after surgery was 216 ± 84 days from operation. Three (1.4%) patients recorded vaccination-related complications.

Conclusions: COVID-19 vaccination is safe in patients who received major cardiac surgery, with low adverse effects recorded and no vaccine-related mortality observed. A time frame of 3-6 months after cardiac surgery receiving COVID-19 vaccination is reasonable and could serve as a guidance for future COVID-19 vaccination booster programs.
著者Jacky Y K Ho, Ivan C H Siu, Karen H L Ng, Matthew Tam, Simon C Y Chow, Kevin Lim, Micky W T Kwok, Song Wan, Takuya Fujikawa, Randolph H L Wong
期刊名稱Journal of Cardiac Surgery
出版社Wiley Periodicals LLC
頁次3634 - 3638
關鍵詞COVID-19, SARS-CoV-2, adult cardiac surgery, vaccination

上次更新時間 2024-09-10 於 15:09