A Purine and a Backbone Discontinuous Site Alter the Structure and Thermal Stability of DNA Minidumbbells Containing Two Pentaloops
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AbstractMinidumbbell (MDB) is a noncanonical DNA structure found to form in several pyrimidine-rich short tandem repeats associated with neurodegenerative diseases. The most recently reported MDB contains two pentaloops formed by ATTCT repeats. Here, we studied the effects of a purine residue and a backbone discontinuous site on the structure and thermal stability of MDBs containing two pentaloops. It was found that a purine as the fourth loop residue improved the thermal stability of MDBs containing two regular pentaloops, while a backbone discontinuous site between the third and fourth, or between the fourth and fifth loop residues enhanced the thermal stability of MDBs containing a regular and a quasi pentaloops. The results of this study provide new insights into the sequence criteria and structural basis of MDBs.
Acceptance Date13/01/2022
All Author(s) ListCheuk Kit Ngai, Sik Lok Lam, Hung Kay Lee, Pei Guo
Journal nameFEBS Letters
Volume Number596
Issue Number6
Pages826 - 840
LanguagesEnglish-United States

Last updated on 2024-20-08 at 00:29