The role of vitamin D deficiency on quadriceps muscle atrophy after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction
Refereed conference paper presented and published in conference proceedings
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摘要Introduction: Quadriceps muscle atrophy after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction (ACLR) is well documented. Athletes are one of the high-risk groups for vitamin D deficiency. Vitamin D deficiency can potentially result in decreased hypertrophy in response to rehabilitation, leading to a poorer outcome. Vitamin D has been recognised for its effect on musculoskeletal health. The aim of the study is to determine the role of vitamin D deficiencies on quadriceps muscle atrophy in ACLR patients.
Methods: Vitamin D levels were measured in patients after ACLR. Patients undergoing a unilateral ACLR with hamstring graft were recruited for the study. Quadriceps thicknesses and isokinetic strengths were recorded. Blood samples for the 25-OH vitamin D serum concentrations were measured by ELISA. Knee function questionnaires were recorded.
Results: Sixteen participants were recruited for the study. Cluster analysis resulted in 9 non-atrophic and 7 atrophic patients, 30% strength deficits were observed in the atrophy group and 20% strength deficits were observed in the nonatrophy group. 68% of the patients were found to have vitamin D insufficiencies with levels below 30 ng/ml, 56% had deficiencies with levels below 20 ng/ml. Patients with vitamin D deficiency showed to have a lower quadriceps muscle thickness and lower IKDC. Regression analysis suggested that quadriceps strength in involved side and vitamin D deficiency status accounted for variations in IKDC.
Discussion and Conclusion: We demonstrated an association between vitamin D deficiencies and quadriceps muscle atrophy with lower IKDC in ACLR patients. These data may support the role vitamin D supplementation to enhance functional recovery in ACLR.
Methods: Vitamin D levels were measured in patients after ACLR. Patients undergoing a unilateral ACLR with hamstring graft were recruited for the study. Quadriceps thicknesses and isokinetic strengths were recorded. Blood samples for the 25-OH vitamin D serum concentrations were measured by ELISA. Knee function questionnaires were recorded.
Results: Sixteen participants were recruited for the study. Cluster analysis resulted in 9 non-atrophic and 7 atrophic patients, 30% strength deficits were observed in the atrophy group and 20% strength deficits were observed in the nonatrophy group. 68% of the patients were found to have vitamin D insufficiencies with levels below 30 ng/ml, 56% had deficiencies with levels below 20 ng/ml. Patients with vitamin D deficiency showed to have a lower quadriceps muscle thickness and lower IKDC. Regression analysis suggested that quadriceps strength in involved side and vitamin D deficiency status accounted for variations in IKDC.
Discussion and Conclusion: We demonstrated an association between vitamin D deficiencies and quadriceps muscle atrophy with lower IKDC in ACLR patients. These data may support the role vitamin D supplementation to enhance functional recovery in ACLR.
著者Michael Tim Yun Ong, Lok Sze Yam, Bruma Sai Chuen Fu, Tsz Ping Lam, Patrick Shu Hang Yung
會議名稱The 41st Annual Congress of The Hong Kong Orthopaedic Association
會議地點Hong Kong
出版社Hong Kong Academy of Medicine Press
出版地Hong Kong
頁次109 - 109