Tandem Mass Spectrometry for Structural Characterization of Doubly-Charged N-Linked Glycopeptides
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AbstractThree dissociation methods, including collision-induced dissociation (CID), electron capture dissociation (ECD), and electronic excitation dissociation (EED), were systematically compared for structural characterization of doubly charged glycopeptide. CID produced distinctively different tandem mass spectra for glycopeptide adducted with different charge carriers. Protonated species produced mainly glycosidic cleavages in high abundance. CID of magnesiated glycopeptide formed more cross-ring cleavages, whereas doubly sodiated species produced cleavages at both glycan and peptide moieties. The effect of charge carriers on the fragmentation in ECD and EED was lower than that in CID. ECD produced mainly peptide backbone cleavages but limited cleavages at the glycan moiety, whereas EED of glycopeptide resulted in extensive fragmentation throughout the molecular ion regardless of the charge carriers. Magnesiated species gave, however, more cross-ring cleavages than other charge carriers did. These results demonstrated that EED of magnesiated species could be used as a one-step dissociation method for comprehensive structural analysis of glycopeptides.
Acceptance Date24/06/2022
All Author(s) ListH.-T. Kitty Wong, Xiangfeng Chen, Simin Zhang, T.-Y Lui, D. Hu, T.-W. Dominic Chan
Journal nameJournal of The American Society for Mass Spectrometry
Volume Number33
Issue Number8
PublisherACS Publications
Place of PublicationUS
Pages1458 - 1464
LanguagesEnglish-United States
KeywordsTandem mass spectrometry, N-linked glycopeptides