A Matrix Sublimation Device with an Integrated Solvent Nebulizer for MALDI-MSI
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AbstractThe current matrix deposition methods in MALDI-mass spectrometry imaging (MALDI-MSI) face technical problems related to the inhomogeneous distribution of crystals and the low analyte extraction and cocrystallization efficiency. In this work, an integrated matrix sublimation device with synchronous solvent nebulization was developed for MALDI-MSI. Droplets of solvents were directly introduced into the chamber of the sublimator by using a miniaturized ultrasonic nebulizer unit. The synchronous and asynchronous working modes of solvent nebulization and matrix sublimation were systematically investigated. Imaging of both protein and small metabolite distributions in mouse brain tissue sections was successfully performed using the developed matrix deposition device. The sensitivity and quality of the images were clearly improved in synchronous mode compared with those of the conventional spray and sublimation methods. These results demonstrate that the integrated device with both solvent nebulization and matrix sublimation is a useful tool in MALDI-MSI applications.
Acceptance Date22/12/2021
All Author(s) ListHuizhi Li, Ri Wu, Qiongzheng Hu, Xiangfeng Chen, T.-W. Dominic Chan
Journal nameJournal of The American Society for Mass Spectrometry
Volume Number33
Issue Number1
PublisherACS Publications
Place of PublicationUS
Pages11 - 16
LanguagesEnglish-United States
KeywordsMALDI, mass spectrometry imaging, matrix deposition, protein brain