16世紀朝鮮戰爭所反映的明朝政治生態---以柳思瑗《文興君控于錄》為中心 (16 shiji chaoxian zhanzheng suo fanying de mingchao zhengzhi shengtai: yi Liu Siyuan Wenxingjun kongyulu wei zhongxin)
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AbstractIn the winter of 1596, shortly before the outbreak of the second stage of the Korea War, Korea sent a diplomatic mission, headed by Zheng Qiyuan, to Beijing sounding the alarm and supplicating for Ming reinforcement. The secretary of the mission, Liu Siyuan, compiled a highly interesting record about the mission, Wenxingjun kongyu lu. Based on this book, this paper studies the ideal and operation of Ming tributary diplomacy, the politics of the Ming court, and the ways through which various stake holders manipulated information.
All Author(s) ListPUK Wing Kin
Journal name山大史學
Volume Number1
Place of Publication濟南
Pages157 - 169
KeywordsWenxingjun kongyu lu, Zheng Qiyuan, Liu Siyuan, Ming court politics, Korea War

Last updated on 2022-26-10 at 16:09