Validation of the Malay 3-Minute Diagnostic Interview for Confusion Assessment Method in a surgical population
Publication in refereed journal
摘要Background: Delirium is a common postoperative complication among elderly which can be easily missed and leads to poorer outcomes. The 3-Minute Diagnostic Assessment for Confusion Assessment Method (3D-CAM) is a short and structured tool to assess delirium by healthcare staff with minimal training. This study aimed to validate the translated Malay 3D-CAM (M3D-CAM) in postoperative surgical patients. Methods: In this prospective diagnostic study, 3D-CAM was translated into Malay and two assessors (1 and 2) independently interviewed surgical patients above 65 years old with M3D-CAM on postoperative day one. A psychiatrist diagnosed postoperative delirium according to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders 5th Edition (DSM-5) as the reference standard. The sequence of examinations was done randomly with all results blinded to each other and the diagnostic characteristics of M3D-CAM analysed with x coefficient used to evaluate reliability. Results: A total of 427 patients were screened, 111 recruited with a final 100 paired interviews completed. Their mean age was 72 (+/- 6) years old. Two-thirds of patients were proficient in Malay and English, therefore assessed in both 3D-CAM and M3D-CAM. Delirium was identified in 11% and 12% of patients by assessors 1 and 2 respectively while compared to DSM-5, M3D-CAM had 80% and 90% sensitivity with 96.7% and 97.7% specificity. M3D-CAM had excellent inter-rater reliability (85%), substantial parallel reliability (70%) and features 1 and 3 with substantial parallel agreement (p <0.001).Conclusion: This study demonstrated that M3D-CAM is reliable and valid for delirium assessment in the postoperative setting.
著者Loh PS, Chin YZ, Lee JW, Wong A, Mansor M, Ng CG, Cowan D, Chan MT, Wang CY
期刊名稱Neurology Asia
頁次721 - 729
關鍵詞Delirium, Confusion Assessment Method, 3-minute diagnostic, 3D-CAM, Malay 3D CAM, validation
Web of Science 學科類別Clinical Neurology;Neurosciences & Neurology