戴望舒致艾田蒲的一封信——兼論抗日戰爭時期馬爾羅的小說翻譯 (A Letter from Dai Wangshu to Réne Étiemble: On Translation of André Malraux’s Novels during the Second Sino-Japanese War)
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Abstract二十世紀中法關係史上,兩位重要的文化中介者——法國漢學家、比較文學學者艾田伯(Réne Etiemble, 1909-2002)和中國著名現代派詩人戴望舒(1905-1950)的聯繫有其重要意義。1934年二人合作為法國革命文藝家協會(Association des écrivains et artistes révolutionnaires)的機關刊物《公社》(Commune, 1933-1939)籌備「革命的中國」(Chine révolutionnaire)專號,其中譯介了丁玲、張天翼和彭湃的著作,讓中國左翼作家和革命家進入法語讀者的視野。隨著八十年代初,十八封由艾田伯寄予戴望舒信函的中文翻譯首次發表,得以窺探艾田伯和戴望舒之間的友誼、互相合作翻譯的過程、出版中國左翼文學法語翻譯選集的構想,以至他們對當時中國和歐洲左翼文藝發展的意見。可惜不少議題,因文獻資料缺乏而難以深入討論,特別是二人對法國左翼作家馬爾羅(André Malraux, 1901-1976)及其以中國革命為主題的小說的討論。本文將通過一封被封存七十年、由戴望舒回覆艾田伯的信函(1934年6月20日),配合詩人於抗日戰爭期間在香港翻譯和評介馬爾羅小說《希望》(L’Espoir, 1937)的原始材料,以及艾田伯對馬爾羅和當時法國文藝雜誌的評論,重新探討上述問題。本文不僅補充修訂過往學者對馬爾羅在中國接受情況的論述,同時希望指出艾田伯、馬爾羅和戴望舒如何互為鏡像,從不同面向展現左翼知識份子的姿態。
In the context of Twentieth-century Sino-French relations, the relationship between René Etiemble, a prominent French sinologist and comparative literature scholar, and Dai Wangshu, a renowned Chinese modernist poet, holds significant historical importance. In 1934, the two collaborated on a special issue “Revolutionary China” (Chine révolutionnaire) of Commune, the journal of the Association des écrivains et artistes révolutionnaires (AEAR) in France. They translated the works of Chinese left-wing writers and revolutionaries such as Ding Ling, Zhang Tianyi, and Peng Pai, bringing Chinese leftist literature to the attention of Francophone readers. In the early 1980s, the publication of the first Chinese translations of 18 letters exchanged between Etiemble and Dai Wangshu shed light on their friendship, collaborative translation process, and opinions on the development of leftist literature in China and Europe. However, due to the lack of documentary evidence, discussions between the two on the French leftist writer André Malraux (1901-1976) and his novels about the Chinese revolution were not explored in depth.
This research paper aims to revisit these issues by utilizing a recently unsealed letter from Dai Wangshu to Etiemble, dated June 20, 1934, and original materials on Dai Wangshu’s translation and review of Malraux’s novel L’Espoir during the Second Sino-Japanese War in Hong Kong. Etiemble’s comments on Malraux and French literary magazines at the time will also be included. By examining the relationship between Etiemble, Malraux, and Dai Wangshu, this paper not only supplements and revises previous discourse on reception of Malraux in China but also provides insight into the perspectives of leftist intellectuals from different cultural backgrounds.
In the context of Twentieth-century Sino-French relations, the relationship between René Etiemble, a prominent French sinologist and comparative literature scholar, and Dai Wangshu, a renowned Chinese modernist poet, holds significant historical importance. In 1934, the two collaborated on a special issue “Revolutionary China” (Chine révolutionnaire) of Commune, the journal of the Association des écrivains et artistes révolutionnaires (AEAR) in France. They translated the works of Chinese left-wing writers and revolutionaries such as Ding Ling, Zhang Tianyi, and Peng Pai, bringing Chinese leftist literature to the attention of Francophone readers. In the early 1980s, the publication of the first Chinese translations of 18 letters exchanged between Etiemble and Dai Wangshu shed light on their friendship, collaborative translation process, and opinions on the development of leftist literature in China and Europe. However, due to the lack of documentary evidence, discussions between the two on the French leftist writer André Malraux (1901-1976) and his novels about the Chinese revolution were not explored in depth.
This research paper aims to revisit these issues by utilizing a recently unsealed letter from Dai Wangshu to Etiemble, dated June 20, 1934, and original materials on Dai Wangshu’s translation and review of Malraux’s novel L’Espoir during the Second Sino-Japanese War in Hong Kong. Etiemble’s comments on Malraux and French literary magazines at the time will also be included. By examining the relationship between Etiemble, Malraux, and Dai Wangshu, this paper not only supplements and revises previous discourse on reception of Malraux in China but also provides insight into the perspectives of leftist intellectuals from different cultural backgrounds.
All Author(s) List鄺可怡
Journal name新文学史料
Issue Number4
Place of Publication北京
Pages104 - 112