Implementation of Short-Packet Physical-Layer Network Coding
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AbstractThis paper presents the implementation and experimental evaluation of a short-packet physical-layer network coding (PNC) system. Implementation of short-packet PNC systems is challenging. First, short packets may have only a few pilot symbols for synchronization and channel estimation purposes. Increasing the number of pilots increases the overhead; decreasing the number of pilots, on the other hand, degrades the packet error rate performance. Second, many short-packet systems are meant for applications with very stringent delay requirements. Employing advanced but complex PNC channel decoding may result in unacceptable delay due to the processing delay. This work presents a low-complexity and low-overhead physical-layer design of OFDM-based short-packet PNC systems, implemented over the software-defined radio platform. Our design makes use of only a small number of pilots (without separate OFDM preamble symbols) to address issues such as slot synchronization, packet detection, carrier frequency offsets, and mismatched channel state information. Our design employs reduced-complexity XOR channel decoding based code-aided parameter estimation (that includes synchronization and channel estimation) to compensate for the limitations imposed by having a small number of pilots. This is the first demonstration that provides a practical framework for applying PNC to short-packet communications.
Acceptance Date06/04/2021
All Author(s) ListS. S. Ullah, S. C. Liew, G. Liva, T. Wang
Journal nameIEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing
Volume Number22
Issue Number1
Place of PublicationUSA
Pages284 - 298
LanguagesEnglish-United States
KeywordsPhysical-layer network coding, short-packet transmissions, software-defined radios, code-aided parameter estimation,
XOR channel decoding

Last updated on 2024-20-08 at 00:33