Semantic Normativity and Semantic Causality
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AbstractSemantic normativism, which is the view that semantic properties/concepts are some kind of normative properties/concepts, has become increasingly influential in contemporary meta-semantics. In this paper, I aim to argue that semantic normativism has difficulty accommodating the causal efficacy of semantic properties. In specific, I raise an exclusion problem for semantic normativism, inspired by the exclusion problem in the philosophy of mind. Moreover, I attempt to show that the exclusion problem for semantic normativism is peculiarly troublesome: while we can solve (or dissolve) mental-physical exclusion by adopting the so-called ‘autonomy approach’, a similar autonomy solution to semantic exclusion is implausible if semantic properties are understood as normative properties.
All Author(s) ListZHONG Lei
Journal namePhilosophy and Phenomenological Research
Volume Number94
Issue Number3
Pages626 - 645
LanguagesEnglish-United Kingdom

Last updated on 2024-20-08 at 00:15