From Digital Shock to Miniaturised Mobility: International Students’ Digital Journey in China
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AbstractAs Asia's largest host country of international students, China's digitial placemaking is impacting on international students' experience whilst studying and living in the country. This rqualitative study addresses the issue of international students' transition to the digital environment in China. It draws on the theoretical perspectives of international students' digital journeys and miniaturised mobilities to inform thematic analysis of artefact-mediated student interviews and social media posts. Findings show that international students' digital journeys in China are characterised by three modes of digital adaptation including digital shock, digital border crossing and digital approachability. We argue that engaging in these modes of digital adaptation has reconstituted international students' subjectivity through empowering miniaturised mobility, but also a sense of digital in-betweenness as they operate between two different virtual worlds.
Acceptance Date13/12/2021
All Author(s) ListQi Jing, Shen Wenqin, Kun Dai
Journal nameJournal of Studies in International Education
LanguagesEnglish-United Kingdom