「轉譯」中的法國左翼文藝──論戴望舒譯伊凡諾夫《鐵甲車》 (Dai Wangshu’s Relay-translation of Vsévolod Ivanov’s Le Train blindé numéro 1469)
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Abstract二十世紀二十年代全球左翼文藝思潮迅速發展下,被視為深受西方現代主義影響的中國現代派作家,參與譯介俄蘇文學及蘇共文藝理論。他們甚至通過歐洲左翼知識份子的視野,理解十月革命以後蘇聯以至國際左翼文藝的發展。1932年現代派詩人戴望舒從法文轉譯屬於「同路人」的蘇聯作家伊凡諾夫(Vsévolod Ivanov, 1895-1963)小說《鐵甲車》(Le Train Blindé Numéro 1469, 1922)。詩人認為伊凡諾夫「對於革命,對於一切,都祇有根據本能的認識」,「他不能真正地把握到革命的真諦,並且他也沒有想去把握」,然而小說卻成功地「在這單純的故事之外創造出一種環繞暴亂四周的空氣來。」《鐵甲車》法文翻譯出版之時,法國左翼文壇正反複思考文學與革命的關係;而戴望舒對《鐵甲車》的選譯,也聯繫著詩人自身對蘇共以及左聯主張無產階級文學的反思。本文將借助二十年代法國左翼報刊資料,探討蘇聯作家伊凡諾夫如何被法國左翼知識份子理解和譯介,並將小說文本中的異國情調以及複雜的國際主義思想重置於《鐵甲車》中文翻譯的具體歷史語境,重新審視。
The Chinese modernist writers, deeply inspired by the Western modernist literature, translated Russian-Soviet literature and literary theories when the Leftist literary trends quickly swept across the world in the 1920s. From the vision of the European intellectuals, they saw the growing paths of both Russian and international Leftist literature after the October Revolution. In 1932, the prominent modernist poet, Dai Wangshu, relay-translated into Chinese the French Le Train blindé numéro 1469, a novel originally written by a “fellow-traveller” writer Vsévolod Ivanov (1895-1963) in 1922. Dai Wangshu was of the view that Ivanov himself “only had some basic knowledge of revolution,” and “he could have never understood the truth of revolution; he had never wanted to.” However, his fiction, “based on a simple story, creates successfully the exact chaotic atmosphere of a rebellion.” The French translation of Le Train blindé numéro 1469 published while a debate on the relationship between revolution and literature was aroused in the French Leftist intellectual circle. Dai Wangshu’s relay-translation of this work was also closely related to his reflection on the proletarian literature promoted by the Soviet Communist Party and the Chinese League of the Left-Wing Writers. With knowledge derived from French Leftist newspapers and periodicals in the 1920s, this paper will investigate how the French Leftist intellectuals perceived Ivanov and introduced his works to their home country. This paper will also re-examine the significance of exotic elements and cosmopolitan ideas in Le Train blindé numéro 1469 in the Chinese translation.
The Chinese modernist writers, deeply inspired by the Western modernist literature, translated Russian-Soviet literature and literary theories when the Leftist literary trends quickly swept across the world in the 1920s. From the vision of the European intellectuals, they saw the growing paths of both Russian and international Leftist literature after the October Revolution. In 1932, the prominent modernist poet, Dai Wangshu, relay-translated into Chinese the French Le Train blindé numéro 1469, a novel originally written by a “fellow-traveller” writer Vsévolod Ivanov (1895-1963) in 1922. Dai Wangshu was of the view that Ivanov himself “only had some basic knowledge of revolution,” and “he could have never understood the truth of revolution; he had never wanted to.” However, his fiction, “based on a simple story, creates successfully the exact chaotic atmosphere of a rebellion.” The French translation of Le Train blindé numéro 1469 published while a debate on the relationship between revolution and literature was aroused in the French Leftist intellectual circle. Dai Wangshu’s relay-translation of this work was also closely related to his reflection on the proletarian literature promoted by the Soviet Communist Party and the Chinese League of the Left-Wing Writers. With knowledge derived from French Leftist newspapers and periodicals in the 1920s, this paper will investigate how the French Leftist intellectuals perceived Ivanov and introduced his works to their home country. This paper will also re-examine the significance of exotic elements and cosmopolitan ideas in Le Train blindé numéro 1469 in the Chinese translation.
All Author(s) ListKWONG Ho Yee Connie
Journal name中國文學學報
Volume Number5
Place of PublicationHong Kong
Pages123 - 144
Keywords中國現代派, 法國左翼文藝, 異國情調, 國際主義, 伊凡諾夫《鐵甲車》