俄蘇文學、法語左翼與中國現代派:論高力里《俄羅斯革命中的詩人們》的生成、翻譯與傳播 (Russian-Soviet Literature, Francophone Lefists, and Chinese Modernists: Translating and Transmitting Benjamin Goriély’s Les Poètes dans la révolution russe)
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Abstract二十年代以來,中國左翼作家受日本無產階級運動的影響,從日語大量迻譯俄蘇文學及文藝理論。相對而言,現代派作家則通過歐洲左翼文人的視野,理解十月革命以後蘇聯以至國際左翼文化運動的發展。1934年,時值留學法國的現代派詩人戴望舒,將出生華沙,留學德國、比利時而最後移居法國的俄國猶太裔文學翻譯兼評論者本約明.高力里(Benjamin Goriély, 1898-1986)以法文撰寫的《俄羅斯革命中的詩人們》(Les Poètes dans la révolution russe)一書,迅速譯介至中國。1934至1941年間,此書翻譯以不同形式分為五個階段發表,整個出版過程經歷以「左聯」主導的中國無產階級文學發展時期(1930-1936)以及抗日戰爭的歷史時期(1937-1945)。《俄羅斯革命中的詩人們》有關革命時期俄文學的論述,必需重置於蘇聯、法國和比利時的「法語」左翼文藝思潮,以至中國的左翼文化運動的跨文化脈絡之中,重新審視。
The 1920s witnesses the beginning of an age in which the Chinese leftist writers were deeply influenced by the Japanese leftist movement and translated extensively the Russian-Soviet literature and literary theories from Japanese. On the other hand, the Chinese modernists gained, from the European intellectuals, an understanding of the development of both Russian and international Leftist cultural movement after the October Revolution. In 1934, the prominent Chinese modernist poet, Dai Wangshu, translated into Chinese Les Poètes dans la révolution russe, a literary piece written by Benjamin Goriély (1898-1986), translator and critic of Russian literature, born to a Russian Jewish family in Warsaw, studied in Germany and Belgium, and eventually immigrated to France in 1930. Between 1934 and 1941, the Chinese translation of Les Poètes dans la révolution russe was published in various forms in five stages, and the publication went through the period of the development of Chinese proletarian literature led by the League of Left-wing Writers (1930-1936) and the period of the Second Sino-Japanese War (1937-1945). From a transcultural perspective, this paper aims at investigating the discussion on Russian-Soviet literature during the revolutionary period in Les Poètes dans la révolution russe by putting emphasis on the development of Leftist cultural movements in Russia, France, Belgium and China.
This paper will firstly examine the French and Belgian leftist intellectuals’ different viewpoints on proletarian literature by focusing on Francophone leftist newspapers and literary journals as well as recently published letters between French leftist intellectuals and the Russian communist party. Secondly, this paper will investigate how Dai Wangshu introduced the Russian-Soviet literature and literary theories to China from the Francophone leftist intellectuals’ point of view, and how he examined both the personal and historical situation of Chinese modernist writers in China. Finally, this paper will examine the Chinese translation of Les Poètes dans la révolution russe published between 1934 and 1941 in the historical context of the Second Sino-Japanese War.
The 1920s witnesses the beginning of an age in which the Chinese leftist writers were deeply influenced by the Japanese leftist movement and translated extensively the Russian-Soviet literature and literary theories from Japanese. On the other hand, the Chinese modernists gained, from the European intellectuals, an understanding of the development of both Russian and international Leftist cultural movement after the October Revolution. In 1934, the prominent Chinese modernist poet, Dai Wangshu, translated into Chinese Les Poètes dans la révolution russe, a literary piece written by Benjamin Goriély (1898-1986), translator and critic of Russian literature, born to a Russian Jewish family in Warsaw, studied in Germany and Belgium, and eventually immigrated to France in 1930. Between 1934 and 1941, the Chinese translation of Les Poètes dans la révolution russe was published in various forms in five stages, and the publication went through the period of the development of Chinese proletarian literature led by the League of Left-wing Writers (1930-1936) and the period of the Second Sino-Japanese War (1937-1945). From a transcultural perspective, this paper aims at investigating the discussion on Russian-Soviet literature during the revolutionary period in Les Poètes dans la révolution russe by putting emphasis on the development of Leftist cultural movements in Russia, France, Belgium and China.
This paper will firstly examine the French and Belgian leftist intellectuals’ different viewpoints on proletarian literature by focusing on Francophone leftist newspapers and literary journals as well as recently published letters between French leftist intellectuals and the Russian communist party. Secondly, this paper will investigate how Dai Wangshu introduced the Russian-Soviet literature and literary theories to China from the Francophone leftist intellectuals’ point of view, and how he examined both the personal and historical situation of Chinese modernist writers in China. Finally, this paper will examine the Chinese translation of Les Poètes dans la révolution russe published between 1934 and 1941 in the historical context of the Second Sino-Japanese War.
All Author(s) ListKWONG Ho Yee Connie
Journal name中國文化研究所學報 / Journal of Chinese Studies
Volume Number61
Publisher中國文化研究所 (Institute of Chinese Studies)
Place of PublicationHong Kong
Pages245 - 282
Keywords中國現代派, 法語左翼, 俄蘇文學, 高力里, 戴望舒