Designing an Interdisciplinary Social-scientific STEM Curriculum on Students’ Empathy, Efficacy, and Interest
Refereed conference paper presented and published in conference proceedings
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摘要More and more countries have regarded that STEM education is one of the best pathways to develop future citizens optimally equipped for the needs of future industries. Students can develop 21st century skills such as communication, collaboration, design thinking, and innovation through learning STEM-related subjects. However, few studies focus on combining STEM and social care education to enhance students’ empathy and STEM competencies. The present work aimed to design a social-scientific STEM curriculum based on students’ abilities and backgrounds. Apart from that, it probed into the students’ changes in the areas of empathy, self-efficacy, and interest after learning the curriculum via a quantitative survey. The results showed that the students made positive changes in the areas concerned.
著者Biyun HUANG, Morris Siu-Yung JONG, Ching Sing CHAI, Yun DAI, Darwin LAU
會議名稱Fifth APSCE International Conference on Computational Thinking and STEM Education 2021
會議論文集題名Proceedings of the 5th APSCE International Computational Thinking and STEM in Education Conference 2021
出版社Asia Pacific Society for Computers in Education
頁次141 - 143