跨越歐亞戰爭語境的左翼國際主義——論巴比塞《火線》及葉靈鳳的中文翻譯 (The Left-wing Internationalism in the Context of European and Asian Wars: Barbusse’s Le Feu and Its Chinese Translation by Ye Ling-feng)
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Henri Barbusse (1873–1935), a self-proclaimed “anti-military socialist,” decided to join the army at over forty years of age when the First World War broke out. Although his faith in taking part in the war remained strong, his thought and behaviour appear so complicated and so different from those of other leftist intellectuals that one has difficulty understanding him. He opposed all international wars caused by the militarism and the imperialism, and yet he would not support the French army which entered the war to fight in the name of justice. He claimed to be an anti-war campaigner, but he refused to join the pacifists. He even went to the battlefront and advocated for an international proletarian revolution to stop all wars. His novel, Le Feu, journal d’une escouade (Under fire: The story of a squad), published in 1916 and based on his own experience in the battlefield, becomes a medium for us to study the ideologies of the author and the leftist intellectuals in the wartime period.
If Barbusse’s reflections on war is not loaded enough for Le Feu, the arrival of its Chinese translation has certainly added weight to it. Along with the translation are elements of both the First and the Second World War, both the European and the Asian cultures, and the Sino-Japanese War. The translator of the novel, Ye Lingfeng 葉靈鳳 (1905–1975), came to Hong Kong a year after the Second Sino-Japanese War broke out, leaving Shanghai that had fallen to the Japanese force in 1937. He published the Chinese translation of the last five chapters of the novel in 1940 in Yin Lin 言林, a literary supplement of the newspaper Lih Po 立報 for which he served as the editor. He emphasized that Le Feu is a novel that reveals the nature of a war, instead of describing the features of a war, and it is also a novel that demonstrates how to avoid such a kind of massacre in the future. This paper attempts to look at Barbusse’s Le Feu and its Chinese translation from a transcultural and trans-historical perspective. Firstly, it examines the particularities of Le Feu as anti-war literature and studies how Barbusse developed his own revolutionary ideas beyond the boundary of the imperialism and the pacifism. Secondly, it studies Barbusse’s and Ye Lingfeng’s individual perspectives on war, internationalism, and proletarian revolution, as well as the challenges facing them in Europe and Asia during the wartime. Lastly, this paper investigates how Hong Kong intellectuals tried to seek their freedom of speech by means of literary translation under the severe political censorship imposed by the colonial government of Hong Kong during the Sino-Japanese War and how Ye Lingfeng represented and reinterpreted Le Feu in response to the particular political context of the time.
Henri Barbusse (1873–1935), a self-proclaimed “anti-military socialist,” decided to join the army at over forty years of age when the First World War broke out. Although his faith in taking part in the war remained strong, his thought and behaviour appear so complicated and so different from those of other leftist intellectuals that one has difficulty understanding him. He opposed all international wars caused by the militarism and the imperialism, and yet he would not support the French army which entered the war to fight in the name of justice. He claimed to be an anti-war campaigner, but he refused to join the pacifists. He even went to the battlefront and advocated for an international proletarian revolution to stop all wars. His novel, Le Feu, journal d’une escouade (Under fire: The story of a squad), published in 1916 and based on his own experience in the battlefield, becomes a medium for us to study the ideologies of the author and the leftist intellectuals in the wartime period.
If Barbusse’s reflections on war is not loaded enough for Le Feu, the arrival of its Chinese translation has certainly added weight to it. Along with the translation are elements of both the First and the Second World War, both the European and the Asian cultures, and the Sino-Japanese War. The translator of the novel, Ye Lingfeng 葉靈鳳 (1905–1975), came to Hong Kong a year after the Second Sino-Japanese War broke out, leaving Shanghai that had fallen to the Japanese force in 1937. He published the Chinese translation of the last five chapters of the novel in 1940 in Yin Lin 言林, a literary supplement of the newspaper Lih Po 立報 for which he served as the editor. He emphasized that Le Feu is a novel that reveals the nature of a war, instead of describing the features of a war, and it is also a novel that demonstrates how to avoid such a kind of massacre in the future. This paper attempts to look at Barbusse’s Le Feu and its Chinese translation from a transcultural and trans-historical perspective. Firstly, it examines the particularities of Le Feu as anti-war literature and studies how Barbusse developed his own revolutionary ideas beyond the boundary of the imperialism and the pacifism. Secondly, it studies Barbusse’s and Ye Lingfeng’s individual perspectives on war, internationalism, and proletarian revolution, as well as the challenges facing them in Europe and Asia during the wartime. Lastly, this paper investigates how Hong Kong intellectuals tried to seek their freedom of speech by means of literary translation under the severe political censorship imposed by the colonial government of Hong Kong during the Sino-Japanese War and how Ye Lingfeng represented and reinterpreted Le Feu in response to the particular political context of the time.
All Author(s) ListKwong Ho Yee Connie
All Editor(s) ListChen Hsiang-yin
Book title戰爭、傳統與現代性:跨文化流派爭鳴 (Transcultural Perspectives on Wars, Tradition and Modernity in Twentieth-Century China)
PublisherInstitute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy, Academia Sinica
Place of PublicationTaipei
Pages169 - 232
KeywordsLeftist Internationalism, Proletarian Revolution, Sino-Japanese War, Le Feu, Henri Barbusse, Ye Lingfeng