Cross-validation of the Canadian Assessment of Physical Literacy second edition (CAPL-2): The case of a Chinese population
Publication in refereed journal
摘要The present study aimed to culturally adapt the Canadian Assessment of Physical Literacy, Second Edition (CAPL-2) and examine its validity and reliability among Chinese children aged 8 to 12 years. The original manual of CAPL-2 was translated and culturally adapted from English into Chinese. A total of 327 children (153 boys, mean age = 10.0) completed CAPL-2 (Chinese) assessments. Internal consistency reliability and construct validity for subscales and total model was explored. Results reported a good fit after adjusting for covariation paths, chi-square (χ 2 = 70.16, df = 43, p < 0.05), RMSEA = 0.04, 90% CI (0.024 – 0.062), CFI = 0.94, TLI = 0.90. Motivation and Confidence showed a good internal consistency (α = 0.82), compared to Knowledge and Understanding (α = 0.52). In general, there were few significant correlations between age and the subdomains as developmentally expected, and gender differences were observed with boys performing better than girls in total CAPL2 (Chinese) scores. This study was the first to cross-validate the CAPL-2 into the Chinese population. CAPL-2 (Chinese) offers the possibility of assessing physical literacy for researchers and practitioners and Chinese children’s physical literacy development could be easily tracked in school settings.
著者Li M.H., Sum R.K.W., Tremblay M., Sit Cindy H.P., Ha A.S., Wong S.H.
期刊名稱Journal of Sports Sciences
出版社Taylor & Francis
關鍵詞Child, physical literacy assessment, China, validity