Factors Associated with Urban Risk-Taking Behaviour during 2018 Typhoon Mangkhut: A Cross Sectional Study
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AbstractAlthough much of the health emergency and disaster risk management (Health-EDRM) literature evaluates methods to protect health assets and mitigate health risks from disasters, there is a lack of research into those who have taken high-risk behaviour during extreme events. The study’s main objective is to examine the association between engaging in high-risk behaviour and factors including sociodemographic characteristics, disaster risk perception and household preparedness during a super typhoon. A computerized randomized digit dialling cross-sectional household survey was conducted in Hong Kong, an urban metropolis, two weeks after the landing of Typhoon Mangkhut. Telephone interviews were conducted in Cantonese with adult residents. The response rate was 23.8% and the sample was representative of the Hong Kong population. Multivariable logistic regressions of 521 respondents adjusted with age and gender found education, income, risk perception and disaster preparedness were insignificantly associated with risk-taking behaviour during typhoons. This suggests that other factors may be involved in driving this behaviour, such as a general tendency to underestimate risk or sensation seeking. Further Health-EDRM research into risk-taking and sensation seeking behaviour during extreme events is needed to identify policy measures.
Acceptance Date08/06/2020
All Author(s) ListEvan Su Wei Shang, Eugene Siu Kai Lo, Zhe Huang, Kevin Kei Ching Hung, Emily Ying Yang Chan
Journal nameInternational Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
Volume Number17
Issue Number11
Article number4150
LanguagesEnglish-United Kingdom
Keywordstyphoon, hurricane, cyclone, strong wind levels, natural disaster, Health-EDRM, urban, risk-taking behavior, sensation seeking

Last updated on 2024-20-08 at 00:21