互為東西:中國現當代文學的跨文化對話 (Shuttling between East and West: Transcultural Dialogue of Modern and Contemporary Chinese Literature)
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The ontological and epistemological distinction made between “East” and “West” has long been questioned by many scholars. With a title “Shuttling between East and West,” this book puts emphasis on the relativity of the concepts of East and West. Under certain circumstances, these two concepts are even interchangeable. This book attempts to revisit some of the essential discourses based on the distinction between them.
This book contains six chapters and is divided into three parts. Respectively from a transnational, translingual and transcultural perspective, it attempts to reconstruct the relationship between the two: the Twentieth-century Chinese literature, literary theories and translations vs. the World literary trends. The first part (Chapter 1 and 2) examines how Hong Kong and Shanghai writers successfully re-define their own cities, literatures and cultural positions despite the influence of the then dominating thoughts which are characterized by the binary oppositions of East/West, Europe/Asia, Self/Others and Local/World. It also investigates how German and French sinologists re-examine the concepts “National Literature” and “Foreign Literature” by making reference to Hong Kong literature, a literature developed in a city that is marginalized by both the European Continent and the Mainland China. The second part (Chapter 3 and 4) depicts, in the context of globalization and localization, the domestication of western literary theories and their influences on Chinese literary criticism in the post-Cultural Revolution era. It re-examines the “translatability” of literary theories between different cultures. Based on a concrete study of an important literary magazine the Shanghai Literature, it also reveals how literary critics and editors re-define the position and function of literary criticism. The third part (Chapter 5 and 6) examines how Chinese modernist writers develop their own ideas of revolutionary under the influence of European leftist ideologies from a trans-historical perspective. It also examines how they tried to seek their “strategy of resistance” by means of literary translation and criticism during the Sino-Japanese War.
All Author(s) ListKWONG Ho Yee Connie
Series Title香港中文大學中文系學術文庫
Publisher中華書局 (Zonghua Book Company)
Place of PublicationBeijing
Pages1 - 300
KeywordsEast and West, Translingual Practice, Transculturalism, Border Crossing, Modern and Contemporary Chinese Literature

Last updated on 2020-02-09 at 19:40