Dr HO Pik Ki

CUHK Research Outputs
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Research Interest
Dr. HO Pik-ki received her B.S.Sc in Geography and M.Phil. in History of Chinese Art from the Chinese University of Hong Kong (hereafter CUHK) and acquired her Ph. D. in History of Chinese Art from the National Taiwan University (hereafter NTU). Dr. Ho has received many scholarships and awards, including “Fu Ssu-nian Scholarship” (Academia Sinica, 2005-2006), “Doctoral Dissertation Award in Humanities and Social Sciences” [National Science Council, Executive Yuan (行政院國家科學委員會), Taiwan, 2009], etc. Dr. Ho is trained as an art historian specializing in Chinese calligraphy of the Qing dynasty. She investigated the rise of stele school of calligraphy among scholar-officials during Qianlong and Jiaqing periods in the cultural and social context and found that thoughts and ideology triggered the change of climate of opinions, culture, and then the calligraphic style. By tracing the evolution of stele calligraphy along with the life span of the influential scholar calligrapher Weng Fanggang (翁方綱, 1733-1818), various interweaving dimensions, such as the introspection of Confucian classics, compilation of Siku Quanshu (The Complete Collection of the Four Treasuries), revival of the study of bronze and stele among scholar-calligraphers holding strong Neo-Confucian beliefs led to the re-examination of “the conception tradition of calligraphy”. Meanwhile, seal craving and writing in ancient scripts prevailed among the social group that became the symbol of erudition and new elite culture. With the expertise of identification of versions and authenticity of Chunhua getie (《淳化閣帖》 the Carving of Model Calligraphy of the Imperial Collection during the Chunhua Era of the Northern Song Dynasty), Dr. Ho is invited to take part in the publication project “the Study of China’s Collection of Rare books and Classics”, National Library, Beijing (國家圖書館中國珍貴典籍史話叢書) to study the history of Chunhua getie. Dr. Ho is an active researcher and interested in methodology and writing of art history. She presented academic papers in many international conferences held in Shanghai, Taipei, Heidelberg, Beijing, Nanjing, Hangzhou and Singapore, etc.

Last updated on 2023-05-04 at 06:32